Friday, November 27, 2009

Lexi~from Irving Shelter Then and now Nov 27th

Lexi was 3- months old when she was pulled from a Irving TX shelter by a great rescue friend Ginger. Her name was Lilly (She was named by Russell a shelter walker) She was known to be blind like most white Aussies are. I was not prepared for them to say she's deaf to.  She was transported by car transporters and Pilots N Paws transporters here to NH where she has grown to be a great little girl.
When she got here I got her to the vets, because she had one inverted eye lid, her eye balls are the size of pea's. They corrected her eye lids with surgery and she could see better but not perfect.
Days after surgery when the swelling went down she was back walking into things.
Sense then she has learned alot and is better with things she smells she dose not understand.
She would smell other dogs walking by and bark, purfume or other things would send her into attacking air or me.

She was adopted and returned because she could smell the cat and would bark all night. Biting them because she was confused. I was concerned with my latest move to a new place. BUT she has came along way sense then. She go's in and out, other dogs don't faze her, and she has ejusted better then others here. I feel she is ready for a new family. Maybe not someone with a cat, but she dose like to play with other dogs and loves everyone. She has not bit in a long time.

She loves being out side smelling around, she always seems happy to be out. She has always been house trained. Sometimes in the middle of the night she decides to play. This aggravates most of the dogs here but they are used to her, on the most part she is pretty quiet.
She has grown to about 35-40 lbs, very healthy and has not had complications with her eyes. This has not stopped her from learning sit, down, and she knows t wait for her treat when she comes in from doing her business.
She's a sweet girl waiting for the right person to adopt her and give her the life she deserves.
She is now a year old up to date on shots, spayed, micro chipped, and ready to start her new life. :)

Stanley then and now~ Nov 27th 2009 UPDATE ADOPTED!

Stanley was rescued a year in a half ago from a Georgia Shelter he was 10-11 weeks old when he was found abandaned on a balcony of a appartment ,left to die. He had a burn down his back like someone poured acid and also has small little punctures in a line down his back. How he even survived this amazes me. He could have been infected and had complications but he was lucky he was found on time by animal control in Athens GA. Where It was listed he would play with toilet paper and play with other pups there.
I had him transported to me in NH and his wounds were healing great, and his personality has never reflected his past. He's a big baby even to this day.
He gets along with all the young crowd here and he's always been a great guy. But has never had anyone seriosly interested in him. Still here looking for a home.
I'll never understand why he is still here. Yes, he has a scar down his back but it has never effected him. (other then he shouldent be in the sun to long) He has his buddies I call them the brat pack. Willy, Shayla, Mini moo They all play together, roll in the dirt, and chase each other around the field.

My hopes for Stanley is that the right home comes for him and he moves on to a new life. He could make a great pet for any family. Someday I hope to leave him off at the right home, with smiles saying goodbye, where he would have the attention he needs. But for now he has his friends here and we will both wait.
I never saved him to keep him but he will be here until he finds a forever home. I love this guy he is great. I don't mind him staying.

Now 1 1/2 years old neutered and up to date on shots micro chipped. He's a healthy boy, vet says at 85lbs looks more lab the pitbull but has pitbull in his family tree so is listed pit lab. He almost had a home with a great family but we had to say no because of Pitbull laws in there city. If your interested in Stanley and your in NH please email

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fandango is in Purina Rally to rescue magazine volume 5 issue 3-Womans World Nov 2010 issue

Watch for the story about Fandango in Purina Rally for rescue magazine. This should be on the web site anytime.
9/28/2010 I went to visit Fandango one more time. We had photo's taken for Woman's world. I knew this would be the last time I seen my buddy. He is doing well and looks nice and healthy.I know his family takes good care of him. He was a favorite of mine and I'll always think about him.

Fandango was rescued by many but lives here waiting for a home in New Hampshire. When I first seen him on a video that was passed around by animal lovers. I could not get him off my mind.
He screamed to me and I got him here. He was in bad shape. Demodex mange, heart worms, a tumor, thin for is build, one of his ears was cut half off. He had a long history no one knew what and because Georgia has many dog fighting problems who knows what he has lived through. But he's here now. Has never even raised his lip at anything. He's a easy going guy. That loves people. I think he had his first belly rub here. He looked at me like what are you doing? Next thing I know, he's plopped over looking at me, I think I like this. Sense then he has trusted me. He was a big ham at the vets getting his treatments for mange. When he left he acted like he went to the spa. Everyone there learned to like him and when he came in they all new him. He has had the tumor removed and now is looking years younger.

He has been here sense April, other then getting fat,he is healthy. He was all crazy when I came home from work tonight with a big bag of stuffed animals someone gave me. One by one the dogs here grabbed one and ran to there room. It go's up in the air, carring it around. He was happy and he always makes sure you know it.

I will miss this guy if he ever dose get adopted. Off to another new life,but I never saved him to keep him and if theres a perfect place out there for him, I'll be happy for him. If he never gets adopted then maybe it was ment to be that way.

He is now 70 pounds and when he runs to great me I move out of the way. Like a bull charging at me it seems. He has slowly gotton better walking and has his spurts of running. Not 100% but he's doing good. After trying to catch Roxi my little Amstaff that is as fast as a grayhound, he just plops in the dirt and watches.

He seems to get along okey with dogs here,he has not been with them all because some of the boys are very serios and don't want to be poked at and some are the young pokers. I'm not sure what he can deal with and don't want to test him to much. I have a few males here that don't get along with each other but get along with females.
He enjoys this farm we just moved to, plenty of room to walk around. Lay in the sun and just watch.
Once in a while I hear him start his howling. Its starts off real soft and then next 11 dogs join in. It's kinda funny.

He has learned to trust me and others that have visited. I think someone said this week he goosed her in the butt when she was doing something. Once he got into my cusin truck and would not get out. He wanted a ride.

One thing I can say about this boy is that I will never forget him. I will always remember Fandango. He is one of a kind. We wont ever know his past but I do know his future will be great no matter where he is.
I have never had any interested adopters for him yet. I also have other dogs that have never had an application. The right place for him is out there. but if the right place is here then thats where he will be. Thanks for reading and when his story is up on Rally for rescue magazine I'll be sure to post it. :)

Thank you to all that helped this guy. He was worth it :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009